How to Slow Aging Fundamentals
Most people do not think about how to slow aging until the negative effects start to appear in their daily lives, like wrinkles, thinning hair, gaining weight, losing the ability to remember, hear, and move around.
Although many people try to ignore the reality of it, the aging process literally starts the moment we emerge from the womb. When we are young, some signs of aging are considered to be positive, like developing our sense of balance, mastering the spoken language, and growing stronger bones and muscles.
Besides Dr. Sinclair's anti-aging breakthrough, there are simple steps we can incorporate in our daily lives if we want to slow aging. It would not be hard to learn how to slow aging, if we acknowledge the parts of our lives that make the effects worse.

Take time for yourself to heal and de-stress
1. One of the biggest contributors to early signs of aging is a life filled with stress.
Dysfunctional family situations, bad or overly demanding jobs, a lack of financial security and bad relationships are all things that contribute to excessively stressful days.
One of the best ways to learn how to slow aging is to learn how to de-stress your life. Find a way to teach yourself to live in the moment, and truly relax. Helpful methods for doing this include yoga, meditation, and religious participation, picking up a hobby, or trimming down your schedule of obligations to only focus on your true responsibilities and the things you are really passionate about.

Change bad eating habits
2. Another important way to learn how to slow aging is by learning more about how food can properly nourish your body, and then taking steps to modify your eating habits so that you are providing your aging body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to operate at its best.
Many people all over the world are allowing their excessive eating habits and sedentary lifestyles force them into an obese existence, which drastically increases the effects of aging in both men and women.
As many doctors and scientists are always pointing out, health risks of obesity range from developing type II diabetes to heart disease. If you want to lose weight, read various easy methods that would help you reach your goal.
Researchers have known that restricting caloric intake in laboratory animals increased their lifespan. In recent studies involving human volunteers, there was no way to determined if 10-25% caloric restriction increased human lifespan. However, the health benefits were obvious in all participants:
- very healthy blood glucose level
- low blood pressure
- reduced BMI
- very low LDL cholesterol levels
- high HDL (good) cholesterol levels
- very low triglyceride levels
- and low levels of C – reactive protein, a predictor of heart disease
Negative effects, like fatigue, weakness, dizziness, lethargy, nausea, irritability, depression etc were noted by all participants.
One, however, does not have to experience the agony of starvation and its negative effects in order to gain the health benefits of caloric restriction. Resveratrol, made out of the grape skins, can act as a "calorie restriction mimetic" that can "mimic" or resemble the positive effects seen in caloric restriction.

Be pleasantly active!
3. One of the best ways to learn how to slow aging is to start participating in physical activities that can start to address not only the issue of excessive weight, but also the stress and improper eating habits. Many people equate exercise with force physical activities that take place only in a gym, when the truth is that you can get your exercise in a number of creative ways throughout the day. How about scheduling a walk or bike ride every afternoon when you get off of work, or when your children are out of school for the day?
Recommended Reading: Anti-aging Effects of Resveratrol
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